COVID-19 Health & Wellness Suggestions

Even though COVID-19 is starting to wind down in some parts of the world, there are certain health and wellness efforts that individuals might want to adopt in order to stay healthy. Certain health conditions, such as being overweight, being a smoker, and even stress, can impact the severity of COVID-19 for certain individuals. Let’s take a look at some health and wellness suggestions that will improve your overall health and wellbeing. 

Healthy Diet and Exercise

As with many countries, obesity and being overweight is an issue in the UK. More than 35% of adults in the UK are overweight. Excess weight is linked to a large number of health problems, including heart disease and diabetes. According to the Intensive Care National Audit Research Centre, around two thirds of people who fell critically ill with COVID-19 were overweight with other underlying health conditions. Here are some diet and exercise suggestions that can help you improve your weight:

  • Avoid skipping breakfast: Many people who skip breakfast miss out on nutrients and will eat less healthy foods throughout the day because they are hungry.
  • Eat regular meals: Eating meals regularly throughout the day will leave you less susceptible to snacking and will also help burn calories at a faster rate. Fruits and vegetables are a staple of any diet as they are low in fat and sugar and high in fibre. 
  • Drink water: Sometimes, a glass of water may help you tide over hunger and excessive eating.
  • Read food labels: Food labels often indicate the guidelines, like serving size, that will help guide you on how much you should eat.
  • Plan your meals: Instead of eating out, food delivery, and snacks, plan and prepare healthy meals at home that will sustain your diet throughout the week.

Nutrition also plays a very important role in immunity. As we get older, our immune systems become less effective, which is one of the reasons COVID-19 tends to impact older people more severely. Here are some of the nutrients and the foods that they are found in that help support a healthier immune system:

  • Vitamin A: Found in eggs, cheese, liver and orange-colored fruits and vegetables.
  • Vitamins B6 & B12: Found in poultry, eggs, fruits and vegetables, and various dairy foods.
  • Vitamin C: Found in citrus fruits and vegetables.
  • Vitamin D: Found in oily fish, eggs, fortified breakfast cereals, and some dairy products. 
  • Copper: Found in grains, beans, pastas, and lentils. 
  • Folate: Found in vegetables, cheese, and whole-grain breads.
  • Iron: Found in beans, red meats, and lentils. 
  • Zinc: Found in red meats, nuts, seeds, and some shellfish. 

Diet and exercise are some of the biggest contributors to good health. Thirty minutes of exercise, such as a mild walk each day, can help white blood cells and antibodies circulate more efficiently in the body, helping fight off infections. 

Stress, Sleep, and Overall Wellness 

There is not enough data on stress as being an agitator for COVID-19, but years of research on stress and other infectious diseases suggests that stress can be harmful to the human body. For instance, in the United States, research exists that chronic stress could reduce the efficacy of vaccines. Removing stress from your life could potentially make you healthier. Here are some guidelines for reducing stress:

  • Make sure that you take regular breaks throughout the workday. 
  • Meditation is a great way to reduce stress and ease your mind.
  • Regular exercise can make your body release endorphins that can contribute to reduced levels of stress.

Sleep is also another factor that can impact the severity of COVID-19. Lack of sleep contributes to high blood pressure, depression, and other overall health aggregators. Sleep apnea is also linked to more severe cases of COVID-19. Here are some guidelines for increasing your overall health and wellness with good sleep:

  • Try to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night. 
  • Include some physical activity in your day.
  • Make sure that your bedroom is a distraction-free zone. Eliminating television and other distractions will help you establish a solid sleep schedule.
  • Avoid naps throughout the day.

Sleep apnea is also highly prevalent in the UK, but is also treatable. In the UK, it is estimated that only 330,000 people out of 1.5 million people suffering from sleep apnea have been diagnosed and treated. Getting a sleep test and receiving treatment for sleep apnea can contribute to a better night’s sleep, while also making you healthier.

Health & Wellness Suggestions For Those Recovering From COVID-19

Due to the varied nature of COVID-19 symptoms and recovery timelines, there are a wide variety of wellness initiatives that can contribute to your overall health and wellness. These tips can be especially helpful if your illness was more severe than the typical COVID-19 sufferer:

  • Manage any underlying conditions by working closely with your healthcare provider.
  • Ease back into any daily routines that you were used to, such as work and exercise. 
  • Set small manageable goals each day.
  • Keep a positive attitude. 
  • Be good to your body by getting plenty of rest, eating the right foods, and mitigating any stress that may come along. 

Some “long-haulers” report having issues with memory. Making lists of tasks to do each day can help keep you on track. Additionally, taking more frequent breaks may help improve concentration. 

What Employers Can Do To Promote Health and Wellness During the Pandemic

With the lockdown winding down in the UK, some workers may be continuing to work from home, while others may soon be going back to work. To help with employee wellness, employers can:

  • Make sure that employees have a manageable workload.
  • Promote wellness in the workplace, such as through a fitness center and through having healthy meal carts and snacks.
  • Consider health options for employees that include preventative healthcare, as well as robust information about exercise, diet, and nutrition.
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