Soza assesses the health of its customers. Their data is confidential and personal to them. With consent, we use their aggregated anonymised data to build a set of analytics. This article shares our findings and quantifies health diversity.
Sample group
We have assessed 1,200 people. We have built up a picture of their health and wellness, signposting them to better outcomes by offering tailored guidance. In assessing people, we have experienced recurring issues and outcomes, and we share these with you now.
Statistically, 8% of your people will be carrying a health condition that needs medical attention, and will be unaware of it. They will carry on until an adverse health event occurs. They are at significant mortal risk. Some of your people are at risk and not aware of it.
The health of a sample population
Our customers are given a calculated health score. 100% is perfect health, below 30% requires professional medical intervention. The average score of all people is 55%, with a small difference in both gender and ethnicity.
Females averaged 53% and men 56%. 80% of this health differential is explained by one attribute; ladies are more dehydrated than men. Fix that to reduce the gender inequality of health scores. Those of African, Asian and Indian ethnicity are scoring on average 10% lower.
There is some health inequality, but it is solvable by personal choices of diet and lifestyle.
Age unsurprisingly has an influence on scores. 8% of people in their 50’s are scoring worryingly less than 40%, rising 11% of people in their 60’s. Younger people tend to have better overall scores but relatively poor nutrition and digestion scores; we see many physically fit people with digestion problems.
Go see your Doctor
Our premise is that if a customer scores low in any one of 9 major health categories, we direct them to primary healthcare. Their Doctor or Hospital is the key provider of service when they score low; where Soza adds value is that customers often do not know the extent to which their health at risk. We are an early warning system.
9% of the sample have a heart health score requiring medical attention. 9% are dehydrated. 11% are malnourished despite their calorie intake, and 12% have cholesterol levels that are outside normal ranges.
5% of people have an overall score that is less 40%, a level at which we advise them they need to take action, 4% of men and 7% of women. This is a warning to them that their health is heading in the wrong direction, and an opportunity to take action to reverse the trend.
Mental and physical stress
Physical and mental stress and your ability to handle it, are measurable. 4% of people are mentally stressed to a level where we have recommended professional intervention, 2% of people are running on empty, some dangerously so.

The most common trend
The most common observation we have drawn from the data is that people are not getting sufficient nutrition from their diet. This is leading to digestion problems and pulling down their overall health. People on the whole are eating an acidic diet which leads to stiffened arteries and provides the gateway to poor heart health and higher blood pressure than normal. We teach people which foods will help address their specific nutritional deficit and keep them healthy.
Nutrition, digestion, the heart system and hydration are the top 4 areas of focus for all, dehydration is significantly more present in the female population.

And finally, some comments on COVID-19. Despite the great success of the vaccination program, the vaccines don’t stop you getting COVID-19; they help your immune system reject the virus from your body.
One important lesson from the pandemic is that underlying health conditions play a big part in determining your mortality rate should you become infected. You need to have a strong immune and respiratory system, low levels of inflammation and a good heart system. With these, your chances of surviving COVID-19 are much improved.
We show scores across the sample and split by ethnicity and gender.

The average score for inflammation was 76%, respiratory 80% and immune system 77%, all good scores. There was little variation by gender or ethnicity. When looking at scores by age, youth correlated to better scores in all categories except inflammation, where scores the 60+ age cohort do better than the those of the 50 somethings.
And the final conclusion
Health scores vary wildly, but in your organisation expect to have 8% of your people needing medical attention, and not necessarily knowing that they are in a potentially dangerous place.
This will impact their productivity and their performance. And if they go on to suffer a significant health event, it is concerning for them and costly for your business.
Spending an hour with Soza will give your employee verifiable data that will tell them where they are, and what they need to do to improve and maintain their health.
About Soza
Soza offers on site assessments of your employees physical and mental health. We take one hour of their time to collect data and generate a health score. They receive a personalised health report with a tailored action plan. As their employer, you receive an aggregated dashboard of analytics and insights. (We do not reveal personal employee health data to you.)
Look after your people, reduce risk, and reduce health related sickness and absenteeism.