Nutritional guidance

Soza Health Guide to Migraine

Migraine headaches can be extremely debilitating for sufferers. However, there are various diet and lifestyle interventions that can limit or prevent attacks. Magnesium – Many migraine sufferers are magnesium deficient and 600mg/day of magnesium supplementation (magnesium glycinate is the best source), can act as a prophylactic for attacks when taken over a period of 3-4 […]

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Soza Health Guide to Increasing Metabolism (A good way to lose weight)

  Muscle is one of the most metabolically active tissues in the body. In general, the more muscle you have, the higher your basal metabolic rate (i.e. how much energy your body burns each day when you are at rest). Lifting weights or resistance exercise at the gym is one the most effective ways to

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Eating 5 or more small meals a day can help with weight loss and body composition

Changing dietary intake to comprise the eating of smaller meals at more frequent intervals is thought to be more beneficial for weight loss than eating larger meals less frequently. This is likely due to improved control of glucose levels, better appetite control, and increased calorie use by the body during digestion. Also eating protein at

Eating 5 or more small meals a day can help with weight loss and body composition Read More »

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